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How to integrate MyGiftList with the Yahoo Store Shopping Cart

There are three methods for adding the Add to MyGiftList button code to your Yahoo Store Shopping Cart.

Method 1 allows you to add the code once to your page template for the store and it will work on all pages IF:
  1. The <title> of each product web page is the name of the gift.
  2. The Location (URL) of each product web page will be the link to buy the gift.
  3. You don't mind having the users enter the PRICE and the DESCRIPTION of the gift item manually.
Follow these steps to implement Method 1:
  1. Copy the following code and paste it into the page template for your products so it is as close to the Order button as you can put it:

  2. Before saving your page template, change the code you copied by replacing Your Store Name with the name of your store and Your Affiliate ID with your MyGiftList Affiliate ID in the line below:

    <a href='javascript:yahooMGLpopup("Your Affiliate ID","Your Store Name","yahoostore");' >

    For example, if you Store Name is Simply Gifts and your MyGiftList Affiliate ID is SIMPLYGI876
    then your code would look like this:

    <a href='javascript:yahooMGLpopup("SIMPLYGI876","Simply Gifts","yahoostore");' >

    Note that you need to have " (quote) marks around your store name and affiliate ID.

  3. That's it!

Method 2 involves creating customized Add to MyGiftList button code specific for each item you have and adding it to the Caption for each product in your Yahoo Store Admin. Method 2 will put the price and description as well as the other information into the gift registry. You can implement Method 2 by logging into your account, clicking on Level 2, and then using the Add to MyGiftList button generator to create the code for each product.

Method 3 is to purchase a RTML template from Y Store Tools. They have set up RTML templates in their RTML template store to help integrate MyGiftList with your Yahoo Store. Click here for more information and to purchase.

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